* @module Seven
if (process.env.HEROKU) {
console.log("SEVEN-SERVER: Started at " + new Date().toLocaleTimeString() + " on Heroku. Using cloud-configured env vars")
} else {
console.log("SEVEN-SERVER: Started at " + new Date().toLocaleTimeString() + " on dev machine. Scanning ./config/env for vars")
require('dotenv').config({ path: './config/.env' });
// const winston = require('winston');
const flagEmoji = require('country-flag-emoji')
const Discord = require('discord.js')
const client = new Discord.Client()
const { JSDOM } = require("jsdom");
const rp = require('request-promise');
const csrfLogin = require('./helpers/csrf-login/csrf-login-override');
const fs = require('fs');
const jp = require('jsonpath');
const typoify = require('./modules/nlp/typoify')
const parseDate = require('date-fns/parse')
const formatRelative = require('date-fns/formatRelative')
const dialogflow = require('dialogflow').v2beta1;
const dflow = new dialogflow.SessionsClient({ credentials: JSON.parse(process.env.GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS) });
const dFlowEnt = require('./helpers/update')
const strings = require('./static/strings')
const safeEval = require('safe-eval')
const { checkSelfName } = require('./helpers/nlp');
const { HtbMachine, HtbChallenge, TeamMember, HtbOwn, HtbMaker } = require('./helpers/classes');
const { HtbPusherEvent, HtbPusherSubscription } = require('./helpers/pusher-htb');
const pgp = require('pg-promise')({ capSQL: true });
var UPDATE_LOCK = false // Simple way to prevent slow / lagging updates from clashing with new ones
var DISCORD_ANNOUNCE_CHAN = false // The Discord Channel object intended to recieve Pusher achievements.
var HTB_PUSHER_OWNS_SUBSCRIPTION = false // The Pusher Client own channel subscription.
var CSRF_TOKEN = ""
var DEV_MODE_ON = false;
if (process.env.IS_DEV_INSTANCE) {
DEV_MODE_ON = true;
console.error("DEVELOPMENT MODE ON.\n Only queries by the developer will be responded to by this instance.\n (Avoids conflicts/ duplicate responses in production use)")
const cn = {
connectionString: process.env.DATABASE_URL,
ssl: {
rejectUnauthorized: false
const db = pgp(cn);
/** Imports globals from the cloud backup (Objects stored as raw, singular JSON columns in DB)
* @returns {Promise}
async function importDbBackup() {
return new Promise(async resolve => {
try {
rows = await db.any('SELECT json FROM cache ORDER BY id ASC;', [true]);
MACHINES = JSON.parse(rows[0].json)
CHALLENGES = JSON.parse(rows[1].json)
TEAM_MEMBERS = JSON.parse(rows[2].json)
TEAM_MEMBERS_IGNORED = JSON.parse(rows[3].json)
TEAM_STATS = JSON.parse(rows[4].json)
DISCORD_LINKS = JSON.parse(rows[5].json)
if (TEAM_STATS == {}) {
TEAM_STATS = { "globalRanking": 5, "points": 0, "teamFounder": 7383, "topMembers": [], "name": "", "owns": { "users": 0, "roots": 0 }, "thumb": "https://www.hackthebox.com/storage/teams/8232e119d8f59aa83050a741631803a6.jpg" }
console.log("IMPORT: Restored from DB backup.")
catch (e) {
/** Updates the cloud backup, with options for selective update.
* @param {string[]} fields - The specific data types / buffers specified for the update operation, e.g. ["MACHINES","TEAM_MEMBERS"]
async function updateCache(fields = DB_FIELDNAMES_AUTO) {
var fieldData = []
for (let i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
var fieldName = fields[i];
switch (fieldName.toLowerCase()) {
case "machines": fieldData.push({ id: 1, json: MACHINES }); break;
case "challenges": fieldData.push({ id: 2, json: CHALLENGES }); break;
case "team_members": fieldData.push({ id: 3, json: TEAM_MEMBERS }); break;
case "team_members_ignored": fieldData.push({ id: 4, json: TEAM_MEMBERS_IGNORED }); break; // These should only update manually
case "team_stats": fieldData.push({ id: 5, json: TEAM_STATS }); break;
case "discord_links": fieldData.push({ id: 6, json: DISCORD_LINKS }); break; // These should only update manually
const cs = new pgp.helpers.ColumnSet(['?id', { name: 'json', cast: 'json' }], { table: 'cache' });
const update = pgp.helpers.update(fieldData, cs) + ' WHERE v.id = t.id';
return await db.result(update)
.then(() => {
console.log("EXPORT: Updated database backup.")
return true
.catch(error => {
return false
* Arrow function to generate a random hexadecimal nonce so images always get re-downloaded in Discord client.
* @param {*} size - The length of the desired hex nonce.
const genRanHex = size => [...Array(size)].map(() => Math.floor(Math.random() * 16).toString(16)).join('');
* Returns one of the items passed as parameters, at random. Ex. usage: any("Hi","Hello","Hey")
function any() {
return arguments[arguments.length * Math.random() | 0]
* Returns either true or false based on the provided probabilty value (a number between 0-1, where 1 => 100% true and 0 => 100% false).
* @param {number} probability
* @returns boolean
function maybe(probability) {
if (Math.random() < probability) return true;
else return false;
* Promise-based sleep function (blocks only the caller (async) function)
* @param {number} ms - The time in milliseconds to sleep.
async function wait(ms) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(resolve, ms);
* Returns the larger of the two objects, or -- alternatively -- the more real of the two (if one is falsey).
* Returns 0 if both are falsey.
* @param {Object} a1
* @param {Object} a2
function realMax(a1, a2) {
if (a1) {
if (a2) {
return max(a1, a2)
} else {
return a1
} else {
if (a2) {
return a2
} else {
return 0
/** Returns the appropriate ordinal suffix (does NOT concatenate) for a given number.
* @param {number} n - The number to get the ordinal suffix for.
function nth(n) { return ["st", "nd", "rd"][((n + 90) % 100 - 10) % 10 - 1] || "th" }
* Returns the number of days that have elapsed since the provided date.
* @param {Date} date - The Date object to compare against.
* @returns {number}
function elapsedDays(date) {
var thisTime = new Date();
var diff = thisTime.getTime() - date.getTime(); // Get the time elapsed
return Math.round(diff / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)); // ... As a positive number of days
* Returns the appropriate OS thumbnail for a specified OS name.
* @param {string} osName
* @returns {string}
function getOsImage(osName) {
switch (osName) {
case "Linux": return 'https://i.ibb.co/mHXrhyC/linux.png'
case "Windows": return 'https://i.ibb.co/61JG09j/windark.png'
case "Solaris": return 'https://www.hackthebox.com/images/solaris.png'
case "FreeBSD": return 'https://www.hackthebox.com/images/freebsd.png'
case "Android": return 'https://www.hackthebox.com/images/android.png'
return 'https://www.hackthebox.com/images/favicon.png'
* Returns a fuzzy time estimate for a given date, relative to the present, that some date occurred (e.g. "4 months ago").
* @param {Date} date
function timeSince(date) {
var seconds = Math.floor((new Date() - date) / 1000);
var interval = Math.floor(seconds / 31536000);
if (interval < 0) {
return "just now"
if (interval > 1) {
return interval + " years ago";
interval = Math.floor(seconds / 2592000);
if (interval > 1) {
return interval + " months ago";
interval = Math.floor(seconds / 86400);
if (interval > 1) {
return interval + " days ago";
interval = Math.floor(seconds / 3600);
if (interval > 1) {
return interval + " hours ago";
interval = Math.floor(seconds / 60);
if (interval > 1) {
return interval + " minutes ago";
return Math.floor(seconds) + " seconds ago";
* Uses unicode special character sets to prettify text, despite all of Discord's precautions.
* @param {string} str - The string to format
* @param {string} inType - The style / alphabet to apply. One of: [bold sans-serif ('bs'), sans-serif ('s'), bold ('b'), monospaced ('m')]
* @returns {string}
function FMT(str, inType) { //Converts text to the unicode special math font equivalent specified in switch [ bs, s, b, m ]
var out = ""
type = "𝟢𝟣𝟤𝟥𝟦𝟧𝟨𝟩𝟪𝟫𝖠𝖡𝖢𝖣𝖤𝖥𝖦𝖧𝖨𝖩𝖪𝖫𝖬𝖭𝖮𝖯𝖰𝖱𝖲𝖳𝖴𝖵𝖶𝖷𝖸𝖹𝖺𝖻𝖼𝖽𝖾𝖿𝗀𝗁𝗂𝗃𝗄𝗅𝗆𝗇𝗈𝗉𝗊𝗋𝗌𝗍𝗎𝗏𝗐𝗑𝗒𝗓" // Default to math sans
var normalSet = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" // Normal alphabet
if (inType == "bs") { // If bold sans
var type = "𝟬𝟭𝟮𝟯𝟰𝟱𝟲𝟳𝟴𝟵𝗔𝗕𝗖𝗗𝗘𝗙𝗚𝗛𝗜𝗝𝗞𝗟𝗠𝗡𝗢𝗣𝗤𝗥𝗦𝗧𝗨𝗩𝗪𝗫𝗬𝗭𝗮𝗯𝗰𝗱𝗲𝗳𝗴𝗵𝗶𝗷𝗸𝗹𝗺𝗻𝗼𝗽𝗾𝗿𝘀𝘁𝘂𝘃𝘄𝘅𝘆𝘇"
} else if (inType == "s") { // If sans
var type = "𝟢𝟣𝟤𝟥𝟦𝟧𝟨𝟩𝟪𝟫𝖠𝖡𝖢𝖣𝖤𝖥𝖦𝖧𝖨𝖩𝖪𝖫𝖬𝖭𝖮𝖯𝖰𝖱𝖲𝖳𝖴𝖵𝖶𝖷𝖸𝖹𝖺𝖻𝖼𝖽𝖾𝖿𝗀𝗁𝗂𝗃𝗄𝗅𝗆𝗇𝗈𝗉𝗊𝗋𝗌𝗍𝗎𝗏𝗐𝗑𝗒𝗓"
} else if (inType == "b") { // If bold serif
var type = "𝟎𝟏𝟐𝟑𝟒𝟓𝟔𝟕𝟖𝟗𝐀𝐁𝐂𝐃𝐄𝐅𝐆𝐇𝐈𝐉𝐊𝐋𝐌𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐐𝐑𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐕𝐖𝐗𝐘𝐙𝐚𝐛𝐜𝐝𝐞𝐟𝐠𝐡𝐢𝐣𝐤𝐥𝐦𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐪𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐯𝐰𝐱𝐲𝐳"
} else if (inType == "m") { // If monospaced
var type = "𝟶𝟷𝟸𝟹𝟺𝟻𝟼𝟽𝟾𝟿𝙰𝙱𝙲𝙳𝙴𝙵𝙶𝙷𝙸𝙹𝙺𝙻𝙼𝙽𝙾𝙿𝚀𝚁𝚂𝚃𝚄𝚅𝚆𝚇𝚈𝚉𝚊𝚋𝚌𝚍𝚎𝚏𝚐𝚑𝚒𝚓𝚔𝚕𝚖𝚗𝚘𝚙𝚚𝚛𝚜𝚝𝚞𝚟𝚠𝚡𝚢𝚣"
var fancySet = [...type] // Convert to array with new ES6 string to byte array comprehension
for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
var char = str.charAt(i)
if (normalSet.includes(char)) {
var x = normalSet.indexOf(char)
out += fancySet[x]
} else {
out += char
// console.log('String in: ' + str + ' | String out: ' + out) // View conversion results
return out
* Formats a given number in Unicode bold characters, for emphasis.
* @param {string} str - The number to style in bold text.
function numS(str) {
str = str.toString()
bold = "𝟬𝟭𝟮𝟯𝟰𝟱𝟲𝟳𝟴𝟵"
var bDig = [...bold]
var o = ""
for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
switch (str.charAt(i)) {
case '0': o += bDig[0]; break;
case '1': o += bDig[1]; break;
case '2': o += bDig[2]; break;
case '3': o += bDig[3]; break;
case '4': o += bDig[4]; break;
case '5': o += bDig[5]; break;
case '6': o += bDig[6]; break;
case '7': o += bDig[7]; break;
case '8': o += bDig[8]; break;
case '9': o += bDig[9]; break;
o += str.charAt(i)
return o
* Calculates and returns the sub-integral symbol, used in 'ratingString' function
* @param {number} num - the sub-integral value, between 0 - 1.
function halfMoon(num) {
divd = num % 1
scale = Math.round(divd * 4);
switch (scale) {
case 0: return '🌑'
case 1: return '🌘'
case 2: return '🌗'
case 3: return '🌖'
case 4: return '🌕'
default: return '🌝'
* Converts a numeric rating (0.0 - 5.0) to a Unicode moon rating expression (e.g. '2.5' => 🌕🌕🌗🌑🌑)
* @param {number} rating - The rating, a positive number from 0 - 5.
function ratingString(rating) {
if (rating == 0) {
return 'Unrated'
} else {
return '🌕'.repeat(Math.floor(rating)) + halfMoon(rating) + '🌑'.repeat(Math.max((5 - Math.floor(rating)) - 1, 0))
* Returns whether the provided Discord user has admin privileges.
* @param {Discord.User} author
function isAdmin(author) {
return author.id == process.env.ADMIN_DISCORD_ID
const HTBROOT = "https://www.hackthebox.com/"
var LAST_UPDATE = new Date()
var MACHINES = {}
var MACHINE_STATS = { "totalBoxes": 0, "activeBoxes": 0, "retiredBoxes": 0, "unreleasedBoxes": 0 }
var TEAM_STATS = { "globalRanking": 5, "points": 0, "teamFounder": "7383", "topMembers": [], "name": "", "owns": { "users": 0, "roots": 0 }, "thumb": "" }
* Moves a member to the 'ignored' set, meaning that their data will not be updated
* or shared by the bot until the user undoes this (see unignoreMember()).
* @param {number} uid
function ignoreMember(uid) {
if (uid in TEAM_MEMBERS) {
delete TEAM_MEMBERS[uid]
updateCache(["team_members", "team_members_ignored"])
// exportData(TEAM_MEMBERS, "team_members.json");
// exportData(TEAM_MEMBERS_IGNORED, "team_members_ignored.json")
return TEAM_MEMBERS_IGNORED[uid].name
} else {
return false
* Moves a member out of the 'ignored' set, meaning that their data will now be
* updated and shared by the bot unless the user requests otherwise again (see ignoreMember()).
* @param {number} uid
* @returns {(string|false)}
function unignoreMember(uid) {
console.log("Unignoring member " + uid)
updateCache(["team_members", "team_members_ignored"])
//exportData(TEAM_MEMBERS, "team_members.json");
//exportData(TEAM_MEMBERS_IGNORED, "team_members_ignored.json")
return TEAM_MEMBERS[uid].name
} else {
return false
* Calculates the total machine count and the subcounts of active, retired and unreleased machines.
* @returns {Object}
function updateMachineStats() {
var statBuffer = { "totalBoxes": 0, "activeBoxes": 0, "retiredBoxes": 0, "unreleasedBoxes": 0 }
time = new Date().getTime()
Object.values(MACHINES).forEach(machine => {
if (machine.release > time) { // If not yet released
statBuffer.unreleasedBoxes += 1
} else if (machine.retired) {
statBuffer.retiredBoxes += 1
} else {
statBuffer.activeBoxes += 1
statBuffer.totalBoxes += 1
return statBuffer
* Returns a Discord Markdown formatted list of member rankings.
* @param {string[]} arr - A list of hyperlinked member names sorted by rank (descending) where index 0 is the highest ranking member.
* @returns {string[]}
function mdItemizeList(arr) {
var out = []
for (const [index, element] of arr.entries()) {
if (index == 0) {
out.push("` " + index.toString().padStart(2, '0') + " `⠀⟶⠀" + element + "⠀🔥")
} else {
out.push("` " + index.toString().padStart(2, '0') + " `⠀⟶⠀" + element)
return out
* Returns a pretty emoji flag for a given country code. If not recognized, returns the Jolly Roger.
* @param {string} countryCode - Example: "EU", "AU", "NZ"
* @returns {string} - The emoji, e.g. 🏴☠️
function getFlag(countryCode) {
flag = "🏴☠️"
try {
flag = flagEmoji.data[countryCode].emoji
} catch (error) {
// console.error(error)
return flag
/** Updates the top team member tally. Should be done after every achievement update (or Pusher own receipt) */
async function updateTeamStats() {
var teamMembersAll = { ...TEAM_MEMBERS, ...TEAM_MEMBERS_IGNORED }
sortedByTPoints = Object.keys(teamMembersAll).sort(function (a, b) { return teamMembersAll[b].points - teamMembersAll[a].points })
TEAM_STATS.topMembers = sortedByTPoints
* Returns true if the object has any properties (is not empty), else returns false.
* @param {Object} obj
* @returns {boolean}
function isEmpty(obj) {
for (var key in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key))
return false;
return true;
* A local file-based method for restoring local backups, useful for early testing without a database instance.
function importExistingData() { // Imports machine and team data from json files, enabling the bot to serve answers immediately.
try {
MACHINES = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('cache/machines.json', 'utf8'));
CHALLENGES = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('cache/challenges.json', 'utf8'));
TEAM_MEMBERS = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('cache/team_members.json', 'utf8'));
TEAM_MEMBERS_IGNORED = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('cache/team_members_ignored.json', 'utf8'));
DISCORD_LINKS = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('cache/discord_links.json', 'utf8'));
TEAM_STATS = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('cache/team_stats.json', 'utf8'));
MACHINE_STATS = updateMachineStats()
console.info("Imported existing datafiles! Will update automatically every half-hour.")
catch (e) {
console.warn('ERROR: couldn\'t import data. Moving on..')
* A local file-based export method that serializes a specific HTB state data to a JSON file. Useful for pre-deployment testing.
* @param {Object} object - The object to back up as JSON.
* @param {*} filename - The name to use for the JSON file.
function exportData(object, filename) { // Save JSON files of team and machine data.
var objectName = varObj => Object.keys(varObj)[0]
//if (!isEmpty(object)) {
fs.writeFile("cache/" + filename, JSON.stringify(object, null, "\t"), 'utf8', function (err) {
if (err) {
console.log("An error occured while writing " + objectName + " settings to File.");
return console.log(err);
console.log("JSON file " + filename + " has been saved.");
* Converts a textual list (e.g. "Bob, Jane, Alice") to "Bob, Jane, and Alice".
* @param {string} - A ", " separated textual list
* @returns {string} The converted text.
function andifyList(str) { //
if (str.includes(',')) {
var n = str.lastIndexOf(",");
return str.substring(0, n + 1) + ' and' + str.substring(n + 1, str.length);
} else {
return str
* Returns the name of either an upcoming release (if announced) or the latest published box.
* @returns {(string|null)}
function getNewReleaseName() {
const unreleasedBox = Object.values(MACHINES).find(machine => machine.unreleased)
return unreleasedBox.name || null
* Get the ID of the machine whose name matches the parameter string.
* @param {string} name - The machine name.
* @returns {(number|null)}
function getMachineIdFromName(name) {
var machineArray = Object.values(MACHINES)
const fetchedId = Number(Object.values(MACHINES).find(machine => machine.name.toLowerCase() == name.toLowerCase()).id)
return fetchedId
* Get the machine object whose name matches the parameter string.
* @param {string} name - The machine name.
* @returns {(HtbMachine|null)}
function getMachineByName(name) {
if (name) {
var machineArray = Object.values(MACHINES)
return machineArray.find(machine => machine.name.toLowerCase() == name.toLowerCase())
return null
* Get the machine object whose id matches the parameter string.
* @param {string} id - The machine id.
* @returns {(HtbMachine|null)}
function getMachineById(id) {
try { return MACHINES[id] } catch (error) { console.error(error); return null }
* Get the challenge object whose name matches the parameter string.
* @param {string} name - The challenge name.
* @returns {(HtbChallenge|null)}
function getChallengeByName(name) { // Return machine object with name matching parameter string
if (name && CHALLENGES) {
var challengeArray = Object.values(CHALLENGES)
for (let i = 0; i < challengeArray.length; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < challengeArray[i].length; j++) {
// console.log(machineArray[i] + JSON.stringify(machineArray[i]))
if (challengeArray[i][j].name == name) {
//console.log('Challenge name ' + name + ' matched validated name ' + challengeArray[i][j].name)
return challengeArray[i][j]
return null
* Get the current rank of a team member by ID.
* @param {number} id - The member ID.
* @returns {(number|"Unknown")}
function getMemberTeamRankById(id) {
try {
return TEAM_STATS.topMembers.indexOf(id) + 1
} catch (error) {
return ("Unknown")
* Get the member object whose name matches the parameter string.
* @param {string} name - The member name.
* @returns {(TeamMember|null)}
function getMemberByName(name) {
if (name) {
var match = (Object.values(TEAM_MEMBERS).find(member => member.name.toLowerCase() == name.toLowerCase()))
if (match) {
return match
} else {
match = getIdFromDiscordName(name)
return (TEAM_MEMBERS[match] ? TEAM_MEMBERS[match] : null)
* Takes information about a new own achievement and adds it to our records.
* @param {number} uid - The ID of the user associated with the achievement.
* @param {string} type - A string value describing the thing / milestone owned, e.g. "root", "user", "challenge", "endgame", "akerva" etc.
* @param {(number|string)} target - If a machine user/system own, use the numeric machine ID (e.g. 238). If a challenge or fortress own, use the title.
* @param {string} flag - For pro labs and fortresses with multiple flags, use this field to specify the milestone title.
function addOwn(uid, time, type, target, flag = "", isPusher = false) {
if (uid in TEAM_MEMBERS) {
try {
switch (type) {
case "user":
var own = getMachineByName(target).userOwners.find(ownItem => ownItem.uid == uid)
if (!own) {
console.log((isPusher ? "user owns for this target: " + getMachineByName(target).userOwners.length : ""))
getMachineByName(target).userOwners.push(new HtbOwn(uid, time))
console.log((isPusher ? "user owns for this target: " + getMachineByName(target).userOwners.length : ""))
console.log((isPusher ? "Added user own for " + uidToUname(uid) : ""))
} break;
case "root":
console.log((isPusher ? "root owns for this target:" + getMachineByName(target).userOwners.length : ""))
var own = getMachineByName(target).rootOwners.find(ownItem => ownItem.uid == uid)
console.log((isPusher ? "root owns for this target: " + getMachineByName(target).userOwners.length : ""))
if (!own) {
getMachineByName(target).rootOwners.push(new HtbOwn(uid, time))
console.log((isPusher ? "Added root own for " + uidToUname(uid) : "")); break;
case "challenge":
var challenge = getChallengeByName(target)
var own = challenge.owners.find(ownItem => ownItem.uid == uid)
if (!own) {
console.log((isPusher ? "root owns for this target: " + challenge.userOwners.length : ""))
challenge.owners.push(new HtbOwn(uid, time))
console.log((isPusher ? "root owns for this target: " + challenge.userOwners.length : ""))
console.log((isPusher ? "Added challenge own for " + uidToUname(uid) : ""))
} break;
} catch (error) {
} else {
* Returns a list of HtbOwn objects representing the members who have owned the specified challenge.
* @param {string} challengeName - Name of the challenge.
* @returns {(HtbOwn[]|null)}
function getOwnersByChallengeName(challengeName) {
console.log("Getting owners by challenge name:", challengeName)
if (challengeName) {
return Array.from(getChallengeByName(challengeName).owners)
} else {
return null
* Returns a list of HtbOwn objects representing the members who have rooted the machine with the specified ID.
* @param {number} machineId - Name of the challenge.
* @returns {(HtbOwn[]|null)}
function getOwnersByMachineId(machineId) {
if (machineId) {
return Array.from(MACHINES[machineId].rootOwners)
} else {
return null
* Gets the HTB user ID for a given Discord username, if such an association exists.
* @param {string} username - The Discord username to lookup linked account for.
* @returns {(number|null)}
function getIdFromDiscordName(username) {
var id = Object.keys(DISCORD_LINKS).find(link => DISCORD_LINKS[link].username.toLowerCase() == username.toLowerCase())
return (id ? id : null)
* Returns a pretty-printable version of the Discord username and / or HTB username for a given HTB UID, in hyperlinked Discord markdown.
* @param {number} uid
* @returns {(string|"[Invalid ID]")}
function tryDiscordifyUid(uid) {
if (uid in TEAM_MEMBERS) {
if (uid in DISCORD_LINKS) {
discordName = DISCORD_LINKS[uid].username
if (discordName != TEAM_MEMBERS[uid].name) {
return TEAM_MEMBERS[uid].name + " (🌀" + FMT(discordName, "bs") + ")"
} else {
return "🌀" + FMT(discordName, "bs")
} else {
return TEAM_MEMBERS[uid].name
} else {
return "[Invalid ID]"
* Returns a set of markdown-formatted username links for a given list of HTB ids.
* @param {number[]} memberIds - An array of HTB UIDs
* @returns {(string[]|"[Invalid ID]")}
function getMdLinksForUids(memberIds) { // Get markdown link to a HTB user's profile, based on UID.
if (memberIds) {
screenNames = []
memberIds.forEach(uid => {
//console.log("UID: " + uid)
if (uid in TEAM_MEMBERS) {
screenNames.push('[' + tryDiscordifyUid(uid) + ']' + '(' + 'https://www.hackthebox.com/home/users/profile/' + uid + ' ' + "'Goto HTB page for " + TEAM_MEMBERS[uid].name + (uid in DISCORD_LINKS ? " / @" + DISCORD_LINKS[uid].tag : "") + '\')')
} else {
console.log("UID opted out of data collection.")
screenNames.push('[٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶](https://www.hackthebox.com/ \'This user has disabled data collection by Seven.\')')
if (screenNames.length == 0) {
return null
} else {
return screenNames
} else {
return null
function getMdLinksForBoxIds(boxIds) { // Get markdown link to a HTB user's profile, based on UID.
// console.log(boxIds)
if (boxIds) {
boxLinks = []
boxIds.forEach(boxId => {
if (boxId in MACHINES) {
var box = MACHINES[boxId]
boxLinks.push('**[' + box.name + "](" + 'https://www.hackthebox.com/home/machines/profile/' + box.id + " 'Goto HTB page')**")
// console.log(boxLinks)
if (boxLinks.length == 0) {
return null
} else {
return boxLinks
} else {
return null
function getMdLinksForChallengeCategoriesByChallengeNames(challengeNames) { // Get markdown link to a HTB user's profile, based on UID.
categories = {}
Object.keys(CHALLENGES).forEach(challengeCategoryName => {
categories[challengeCategoryName] = []
// console.log(challengeNames)
if (challengeNames) {
challengeNames.forEach(challengeName => {
// console.log(challengeName)
var challenge = getChallengeByName(challengeName)
if (challenge) {
categories[challenge.category].push('**[' + challenge.name + "](http://0)**")
return categories
} else {
return null
function getMdLinksForOwnList(memberOwnList) { // Get markdown link to a HTB user's profile, based on UID.
// console.log(memberOwnList)
if (memberOwnList) {
screenNames = []
memberOwnList.forEach(memberOwn => {
if (memberOwn.uid in TEAM_MEMBERS) {
if (memberOwn.uid in DISCORD_LINKS) {
console.log(DISCORD_LINKS[memberOwn.uid].username + " / " + TEAM_MEMBERS[memberOwn.uid].name)
screenNames.push('[' + tryDiscordifyUid(memberOwn.uid) + ']' + '(' + 'https://www.hackthebox.com/home/users/profile/' + memberOwn.uid + ' ' + "'HTB Profile for " + TEAM_MEMBERS[memberOwn.uid].name + (memberOwn.uid in DISCORD_LINKS ? " / @" + DISCORD_LINKS[memberOwn.uid].tag : "") + "')")
} else {
console.log("UID opted out of data collection.")
screenNames.push('[٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶](https://www.hackthebox.com/ \'This user has disabled data collection by Seven.\')')
if (screenNames.length == 0) {
return null
} else {
return screenNames
} else {
return null
function parseSingleDate(date,) { // Parse date to timestamp (millis) for various formats used on HTB site, based on length
if (date) {
switch (date.length) {
case 10:
try {
return new Date(parseDate(date, 'y-MM-dd', new Date(0)).setUTCHours(19)).getTime()
} catch (error) {
return 0
case 23:
try {
return new Date(date.replace(' UTC', 'Z')).getTime()
} catch (error) {
return 0
try {
return new Date(parseDate(date, 'MMMM do, yyyy', new Date(0)).setUTCHours(19)).getTime()
} catch (error) {
return 0
} else {
return 0
function parseDateArray(dates) { // Parse array of dates (see parseSingleDate)
newDates = []
dates.forEach(dateString => {
return newDates
function getMachines() {
return new Promise(resolve => {
rp('https://www.hackthebox.com/api/machines/get/all?api_token=' + process.env.HTB_TOKEN, { json: true })
.then(function (machines) {
machineSet = {}
console.log('Got', machines.length, 'machines...');
var machineIds = jp.query(machines, '$.*.id');
var machineNames = jp.query(machines, '$.*.name');
var machineThumbs = jp.query(machines, '$.*.avatar_thumb')
var machineIsRetireds = jp.query(machines, '$.*.retired')
var machineMakers = jp.query(machines, '$.*.maker')
var machineMaker2s = jp.query(machines, '$.*.maker2')
var machineOses = jp.query(machines, '$.*.os')
var machineIps = jp.query(machines, '$.*.ip')
var machineRatings = jp.query(machines, '$.*.rating')
var machineReleases = jp.query(machines, '$.*.release')
var machineRetireDates = jp.query(machines, '$.*.retired_date')
var machinePoints = jp.query(machines, '$.*.points')
machineReleases = parseDateArray(machineReleases)
machineRetireDates = parseDateArray(machineRetireDates)
for (let i = 0; i < machineIds.length; i++) {
machineSet[machineIds[i].toString()] = new HtbMachine(machineNames[i],
// console.log(machineSet)
.catch(function (err) {
async function getChallenges(session) {
console.log("Getting challenges...")
challengeBuffer = {}
var categories = ["Reversing", "Crypto", "Stego", "Pwn", "Web", "Misc", "Forensics", "Mobile", "OSINT", "Hardware"]
return new Promise(async resolve => {
for (let i = 0; i < categories.length; i++) {
category = categories[i]
response = await getChallengesCategory(category, session)
var thisCategoryChallenges = []
var $ = require('jquery')(new JSDOM(response.body).window);
$('.panel-heading').each(function () {
var description = this.nextSibling.nextSibling.firstChild.nextSibling.nextSibling.nextSibling.nextSibling.data.trim()
var points = 0
var isActive = false
var dateString = $($(this).children('.panel-tools')[0]).text().trim()
var releaseDate = new Date(parseDate(dateString, 'dd/MM/yyyy', new Date(0)).setUTCHours(19)).getTime()
var spans = $(this).children('span')
var activeChecker = $(spans[0]).text().trim()
if (activeChecker.trim().startsWith("[")) {
isActive = true
points = Number($(spans[0]).html().match(/[\d]*(\d+)/g)[0])
} else {
// console.log("Not Active.")
// console.log(spans[0].innerText)
var makers = $(this).find("a[href^='https://www.hackthebox.com/home/users/profile/']")
maker = { "id": makers[0].href.substring(45), "name": makers[0].innerHTML }
var maker2 = null
try {
maker2 = { "id": makers[1].href.substring(45), "name": makers[1].innerHTML }
} catch (error) {
//console.log('\nNo 2nd maker ...')
var tex = $(this).text()
var name = tex.substring(tex.indexOf((isActive ? '] ' : ' ')) + 1, tex.indexOf('[by') - 1).trim()
var solverCount = Number($(spans[1]).text().match(/[\d]*(\d+)/g))
var ratePro = Number($(spans[2]).text())
var rateSucks = Number($(spans[3]).text())
// console.log("GOT CHALLENGE. Datestring:", dateString, "|", "name:", name, "| maker:", maker.name, "| maker2:", (maker2 ? maker2.name : "None"), "| points:", points, "| active:", isActive, "| solvercount:", solverCount, "| ratings:", ratePro, rateSucks * -1)
// console.log("Got challenge", name + " ...")
var thisChallenge = new HtbChallenge(name, category, releaseDate, description, isActive, points, maker, maker2, solverCount, ratePro, rateSucks)
if (!getChallengeByName(thisChallenge.name)) {
// dFlowEnt.updateEntity('challenge', thisChallenge.name)
console.log("Got", thisCategoryChallenges.length, "challenges in the '" + category + "' category")
challengeBuffer[category] = thisCategoryChallenges
function getTeamData(session) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
console.log("Getting team details...")
session.request('/home/teams/profile/2102', function (error, response, body) {
teamData = {}
teamUsers = {}
var $ = require('jquery')(new JSDOM(body).window);
//console.log("Team page body length:" + body)
// Parse Team Stats
try {
var teamName = $('.row-selected').children()[1].innerHTML
var thumb = $($('.header-icon').find('.image-lg')[0]).attr('data-cfsrc')
var globalRanking = Number($('.row-selected').children()[0].innerHTML)
var totalPoints = Number($('.row-selected').children()[2].innerHTML)
var totalRoots = Number($('.row-selected').children()[3].innerHTML)
var totalUsers = Number($('.row-selected').children()[4].innerHTML)
TEAM_STATS.name = teamName
TEAM_STATS.thumb = thumb // Not working. Needs fixing
TEAM_STATS.globalRanking = globalRanking
TEAM_STATS.points = totalPoints
TEAM_STATS.owns.roots = totalRoots
TEAM_STATS.owns.users = totalUsers
console.log("Team Stats Updated:", TEAM_STATS)
} catch (error) {
console.error('ERROR: Could not parse team Data. Failing gracefully...')
console.log("Getting team members...")
// Parse Team Members
try {
var jq = $($('#membersTable').children()[1]).children().each(function () {
var stats = $(this).children()
var siterank = 99999999;
userpoints = 0;
if (stats[0].innerHTML && stats[0].innerHTML != 'unranked') {
siterank = Number(stats[0].innerHTML)
userpoints = Number(stats[2].innerHTML)
var userCol = $(stats[1]).children()[0]
var uName = userCol.innerHTML
var uid = userCol.href.substring(45)
user = new TeamMember(uName, uid, { 'user': Number(stats[4].innerHTML), "root": Number(stats[3].innerHTML) }, siterank, userpoints)
if (!(uid in Object.keys(TEAM_MEMBERS_IGNORED))) {
//console.log("got here")
teamUsers[uid] = user
// console.log(user)
//console.log('username: ' + uName + ' uid: ' + uid + ' uOwns: ' + uOwns)
} catch (error) {
console.log('SUCCESS: Got team members... ' + Object.keys(teamUsers).length)
function getSession() {
return csrfLogin({
username: process.env.HTB_EMAIL,
password: process.env.HTB_PASS
function getUserProfile(id, session) {
//console.log('getting user profile #' + id)
return session.requestAsync('/home/users/profile/' + id)
function getChallengesCategory(category, session) {
//console.log('getting user profile #' + id)
return session.requestAsync('/home/challenges/' + category)
async function getOwnageData(session, mbrs) {
var members = Object.keys(mbrs)
console.log("Collecting ownage data for " + members.length + " team members...")
return new Promise(async resolve => {
for (var i = 0; i < members.length; i++) {
//for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
//console.log("#" + i.toString().padStart(2, '0') + ": Parsing owns for member " + members[i])
response = await getUserProfile(members[i], session)
await parseUserOwns(response.body, members[i])
console.log('FINISHED PARSING OWNS...')
function uidToUname(uid) {
// console.log("uidToUname(uid):", uid)
try {
if (uid in TEAM_MEMBERS) {
return TEAM_MEMBERS[uid].name
} else return null
} catch (error) {
return null
function unameToUid(username) {
id = false
Object.values(TEAM_MEMBERS).forEach(member => {
if (member.name.toLowerCase() == username.toLowerCase()) {
id = member.id
return id
async function getUnreleasedMachine(session) {
return new Promise(async resolve => {
//for (var i = 0; i < members.length; i++) {
response = await session.requestAsync('/home/machines/unreleased')
var $ = require('jquery')(new JSDOM(response.body).window);
if ($('.table tr').length > 1) {
var trs = $($('.table tr')[1])
var mids = trs.find("a[href^='https://www.hackthebox.com/home/machines/profile/']")
var urmid = mids[0].href.substring(48)
var oldmid = mids[1].href.substring(48)
var name = mids[0].innerHTML
var rname = mids[1].innerHTML
var thumb = trs.find("img[src^='https://www.hackthebox.com/storage/avatars']")[0].src
var releaseDate = parseSingleDate($($('.table tr')[1]).find(":contains('UTC')")[0].innerHTML)
var makers = trs.find("a[href^='https://www.hackthebox.com/home/users/profile/']")
var maker = makers[0].innerHTML
var makerId = makers[0].href.substring(45)
var maker2 = null
try {
maker2 = { "id": makers[1].innerHTML, "name": makers[1].href.substring(45) }
} catch (error) {
console.log('\nNo 2nd maker ...')
response = await session.requestAsync('/home/machines/profile/' + urmid)
var $ = require('jquery')(new JSDOM(response.body).window);
var ip = $('td')[9].innerHTML
var points = Number($('td span')[1].innerHTML)
var difficulty = $('td span')[0].innerHTML
var os = $('td')[1].innerHTML.substring($('td')[1].innerHTML.lastIndexOf('>') + 1).replace(' ', '')
var unreleasedBox = new HtbMachine(name,
{ "id": makerId, "name": maker },
{ "replaces": rname, "mid": oldmid }
dFlowEnt.updateEntity('Machines', unreleasedBox.name)
} else {
function grabCsrfFromJar(session) {
try {
return session.jar._jar.store.idx['www.hackthebox.com']['/']['csrftoken'].value
} catch (error) {
return ""
async function updateData(client) {
console.log("Update lock engaged. Beginning update attempt.")
return new Promise(async resolve => {
try {
await updateDiscordIds(client, "655499722454335488")
var SESH = await getSession()
CSRF_TOKEN = grabCsrfFromJar(SESH)
console.log("Got CSRF TOKEN:", CSRF_TOKEN)
console.log("Got a logged in session.")
MACHINES_BUFFER = await getMachines()
CHALLENGES = await getChallenges(SESH)
TEAM_MEMBERS_TEMP = await getTeamData(SESH)
if (Object.keys(TEAM_MEMBERS_TEMP).length > Object.keys(TEAM_MEMBERS).length) {
urmachine = await getUnreleasedMachine(SESH)
console.warn(urmachine ? "INFO: Got unreleased machine " + urmachine.name + "..." : "INFO: There are currently no machines in unreleased section.")
if (urmachine) {
MACHINES[urmachine.id.toString()] = urmachine
MACHINES_BUFFER[urmachine.id.toString()] = urmachine
await getOwnageData(SESH, TEAM_MEMBERS)
await cleanTargetSets()
console.log("UPDATED DATA. Total machines : " + Object.values(MACHINES).length)
console.log(" Total members : " + Object.values(TEAM_MEMBERS).length)
updateCacheSuccessful = await updateCache()
console.log(updateCacheSuccessful ? "All data backed up to the cloud for a rainy day..." : "Export failed...")
| exportData(MACHINES, "machines.json")
| exportData(CHALLENGES, "challenges.json")
| exportData(TEAM_MEMBERS, "team_members.json");
| exportData(TEAM_MEMBERS_IGNORED, "team_members_ignored.json")
| exportData(DISCORD_LINKS, "discord_links.json")
\ exportData(TEAM_STATS, "team_stats.json") */
LAST_UPDATE = new Date()
console.log("Update lock released.")
} catch (error) {
console.error("UPDATE FAILED.")
} else {
async function parseUserOwns(body, id) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
//console.log("Parsing owns for uid: " + uid)
try {
var $ = require('jquery')(new JSDOM(body).window);
var thumb = $($('.header-icon').find('.image-lg')[0]).attr('data-cfsrc') || "https://www.hackthebox.com/images/favicon.png"
rank = $($('.header-title')[0]).find('.c-white').text() || "Noob"
joinDate = parseSingleDate($('div[title^="Joined on"]').attr("title").substring(10)) || 0
countryName = $('.flag')[0].parentNode.attributes['title'].value || "Pangea"
countryCode = $('.flag').attr("class").split(/\s+/)[1].split('-')[1].toUpperCase() || ""
//console.log($('div[title^="Joined on"]').attr("title").substring(10))
try {
TEAM_MEMBERS[id].thumb = thumb
TEAM_MEMBERS[id].countryName = countryName
TEAM_MEMBERS[id].countryCode = countryCode
TEAM_MEMBERS[id].rank = rank
TEAM_MEMBERS[id].joinDate = joinDate
// console.log(TEAM_MEMBERS[id])
} catch (error) {
try {
charts = $('script:contains("var globalOptions = {")').html()
var chartData = safeEval(charts.substring(charts.indexOf("var lineData = ") + 15, charts.indexOf(";", charts.indexOf("var lineData = ")))).datasets
var chart = { users: 0, roots: 0, challenges: 0, respects: 0, bloods: 0 }
chart.users = realMax(chartData[0].data.slice(-1)[0], 0) // user owns
chart.roots = realMax(chartData[1].data.slice(-1)[0], 0) // root owns
chart.challenges = realMax(chartData[2].data.slice(-1)[0], 0) // challenge owns
chart.respects = realMax(chartData[3].data.slice(-1)[0], 0) // respects
chart.bloods = realMax(chartData[4].data.slice(-1)[0], 0) // bloods
if (chart.users || chart.roots || chart.challenges || chart.respects || chart.bloods) {
TEAM_MEMBERS[id].stats = chart
} else {
TEAM_MEMBERS[id].stats = { users: 0, roots: 0, challenges: 0, respects: 0, bloods: 0 }
console.log("Parsing owns for " + TEAM_MEMBERS[id].name + "...")
} catch (error) {
// There was a problem getting stats for the user based on profile timechart
var up2DateStats = { user: 0, root: 0, challenge: 0 } // Let's actually count these ourselves when parsing.
$('.p-xs').each(function () { // Go through the user profile ownage rows (on right of page)
var t = $($(this).children()[1]).text().trim().split(/\s+/);
var parsedTime = $($(this).children('span.pull-right')[0]).attr('title')
var timestamp = parseDate(parsedTime, 'MMMM do, yyyy h:mm a', new Date()).getTime() / 1000
var machineId = ''
var machineLitmus = $(this).find('[href*="/machines/"]')
if (machineLitmus.length > 0) { machineId = machineLitmus[0].href.substring(48) }
if (t[2].includes('user')) { // It is a machine user own
MACHINES_BUFFER[machineId].userOwners.push({ "uid": id, "timestamp": timestamp })
} else if (t[2].includes('root')) { // It is a machine root own
MACHINES_BUFFER[machineId].rootOwners.push({ "uid": id, "timestamp": timestamp })
} else if (t[2].includes('challenge')) {
if ($(this).find('i.far.fa-cog.text-warning').length) {// It is a valid challenge
var challengeName = $(this).find('i.far.fa-cog.text-warning')[0].nextSibling.data.trim()
getChallengeByName(challengeName).owners.push({ "uid": id, "timestamp": timestamp })
} else {
// It is not a challenge
else { /*console.log('Something unparsable (e.g. special challenge, fortress OR a site update has screwed our parsing (PLS GIV US API, PLSSS HTB)...')*/ }
try {
TEAM_MEMBERS[id].totalOwns = up2DateStats
} catch (error) {
} catch (error) {
//console.log(error + " - Could not parse page. (Likely user has no rank / XP)")
function cleanTargetSets() {
return new Promise(resolve => {
Object.values(MACHINES).forEach(machine => {
machine.userOwners = [... new Set(machine.userOwners)]
machine.rootOwners = [... new Set(machine.rootOwners)]
machine.userOwners.sort((a, b) => (a.timestamp < b.timestamp) ? 1 : (a.timestamp === b.timestamp) ? ((a.uid < b.uid) ? 1 : -1) : -1)
machine.rootOwners.sort((a, b) => (a.timestamp < b.timestamp) ? 1 : (a.timestamp === b.timestamp) ? ((a.uid < b.uid) ? 1 : -1) : -1)
Object.values(CHALLENGES).forEach(category => {
category.forEach(challenge => {
challenge.owners = [...new Map(challenge.owners.map(item => [item.uid, item])).values()]
challenge.owners.sort((a, b) => (a.timestamp < b.timestamp) ? 1 : (a.timestamp === b.timestamp) ? ((a.uid < b.uid) ? 1 : -1) : -1)
function between(str, oTag, cTag) {
if (oTag == 'XXX') {
var first = 0
} else {
var first = str.indexOf(oTag) + 1
return str.substring(
function sendFileMsg() {
try {
contents = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('config/sendable.json', 'utf8'));
} catch (error) {
async function setStatus(client, statusType, activityVerb, activityName) {
await client.user.setPresence({ activity: { name: activityName, type: activityVerb }, status: statusType })
await client.user.setStatus(statusType)
async function updateDiscordIds(client, guildIdString) {
keys = Object.keys(DISCORD_LINKS)
guild = await client.guilds.resolve(guildIdString)
for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
var link = DISCORD_LINKS[keys[i]];
guildMember = await guild.members.resolve(link.id);
member = guildMember.user
// console.log(DISCORD_LINKS[keys[i]], member)
DISCORD_LINKS[keys[i]] = member || DISCORD_LINKS[i]
async function main() {
await importDbBackup()
client.login(process.env.BOT_TOKEN) // BOT_TOKEN is the Discord client secret
client.on('ready', async () => {
var SESH = await getSession()
CSRF_TOKEN = grabCsrfFromJar(SESH)
HTB_PUSHER_OWNS_SUBSCRIPTION = new HtbPusherSubscription('97608bf7532e6f0fe898', 'owns-channel', 'display-info', CSRF_TOKEN)
HTB_PUSHER_OWNS_SUBSCRIPTION.on("pusherevent", message => {
if (uidToUname(message.uid)){
console.log("PUSHER: " + message.debug)
addOwn(message.uid, message.time, message.type, message.target, true)
DISCORD_ANNOUNCE_CHAN = await client.users.cache.get("679986418466029568").createDM()
console.log("DISCORD LINKS:", Object.values(DISCORD_LINKS).map(link => link.username).join(", "))
setInterval(() => updateData(client), 30 * 60 * 1000); // UPDATE OWNAGE DATA BY PARSING, EVERY 30 MINUTES
console.log("Updated Discord User Objects...")
console.warn('INFO: Discord connection established...')
client.on('message', message => {
if (!DEV_MODE_ON) {
try {
} catch (error) {
} else if (isAdmin(message.author)) {
console.log("Message is from dev admin, responding...")
if (message.content.includes("📤")) {
console.log("Sending file msg...")
} else {
try {
} catch (error) {
} else if (!message.author.bot) {
console.log("Dev mode enabled but received message not from admin. Not responding from this instance...")
function sendBoxOwnersMsg(message, machineName) {
if (!machineName) {
machineName == ""
} else { console.log("machinename: " + machineName) }
twentyPlus = false
console.log("Constructing a box info message for " + machineName + "...")
ownerList = getMdLinksForOwnList(getOwnersByMachineId(getMachineIdFromName(machineName)))
if (ownerList) {
if (ownerList.length > 20) {
ownerList = ownerList.slice(0, 20)
twentyPlus = true
if (ownerList.length == 1) {
embed: {
color: 3447003,
author: {
name: getMachineByName(machineName).name,
icon_url: getMachineByName(machineName).thumb,
url: 'https://www.hackthebox.com/home/machines/profile/' + getMachineByName(machineName).id,
footer: {
text: "ℹ️ Ownage data last updated " + timeSince(LAST_UPDATE)
description: ('**Owned by** ' + andifyList(ownerList.join(', ')) + (twentyPlus ? ' […]' : '') + ' :woman_detective:').substring(0, 2040)
} else {
embed: {
color: 3447003,
author: {
name: getMachineByName(machineName).name,
icon_url: getMachineByName(machineName).thumb,
url: 'https://www.hackthebox.com/home/machines/profile/' + getMachineByName(machineName).id,
footer: {
text: "ℹ️ Ownage data last updated " + timeSince(LAST_UPDATE)
description: ('**Most recent team owns:** ' + andifyList(ownerList.join(', ')) + (twentyPlus ? ' […]' : '') + ' :woman_detective:').substring(0, 2040)
} else {
message.channel.send((getMachineByName(machineName) ? 'Looks like nobody in the team has done this box yet :tired_face:' : 'That isn\'t even a box!! Trying to trick me … silly Hu-man. :wheelchair:\nAccording to Wikipedia, u can\'t fool me... :woman_mage: '))
function sendUserOwnersMsg(message, machineName) {
if (!machineName) {
machineName == ""
} else { console.log("machinename: " + machineName) }
twentyPlus = false
console.log("Constructing a user owner info message for " + machineName + "...")
ownerList = getMdLinksForOwnList(getOwnersByMachineId(getMachineIdFromName(machineName)))
if (ownerList) {
if (ownerList.length > 20) {
ownerList = ownerList.slice(0, 20)
twentyPlus = true
if (ownerList.length == 1) {
embed: {
color: 3447003,
author: {
name: getMachineByName(machineName).name,
icon_url: getMachineByName(machineName).thumb,
url: 'https://www.hackthebox.com/home/machines/profile/' + getMachineByName(machineName).id,
footer: {
text: "ℹ️ Ownage data last updated " + timeSince(LAST_UPDATE)
description: ('**Owned by** ' + andifyList(ownerList.join(', ')) + (twentyPlus ? ' […]' : '') + ' :woman_detective:').substring(0, 2040)
} else {
embed: {
color: 3447003,
author: {
name: getMachineByName(machineName).name,
icon_url: getMachineByName(machineName).thumb,
url: 'https://www.hackthebox.com/home/machines/profile/' + getMachineByName(machineName).id,
footer: {
text: "ℹ️ Ownage data last updated " + timeSince(LAST_UPDATE)
description: ('**Most recent team owns:** ' + andifyList(ownerList.join(', ')) + (twentyPlus ? ' […]' : '') + ' :woman_detective:').substring(0, 2040)
} else {
message.channel.send((getMachineByName(machineName) ? 'Looks like nobody in the team has done this box yet :tired_face:' : 'That isn\'t even a box!! Trying to trick me … silly Hu-man. :wheelchair:\nAccording to Wikipedia, u can\'t fool me... :woman_mage: '))
function sendLastBoxOwnerMsg(message, machineName) {
if (!machineName) {
machineName == ""
} else { console.log("machinename: " + machineName) }
ownerList = getMdLinksForOwnList(getOwnersByMachineId(getMachineIdFromName(machineName)))
if (ownerList) {
// console.log(ownerList)
lastOwner = ownerList[0]
// console.log(lastOwner)
embed: {
color: 16580705,
author: {
name: getMachineByName(machineName).name,
icon_url: getMachineByName(machineName).thumb,
url: 'https://www.hackthebox.com/home/machines/profile/' + getMachineByName(machineName).id,
footer: {
text: "ℹ️ Data last updated " + timeSince(LAST_UPDATE)
description: ('**Last owned by: ** ' + lastOwner + ' :woman_detective:').substring(0, 2040)
} else {
message.channel.send((getMachineByName(machineName) ? 'Looks like nobody in the team has done this box yet :tired_face:' : 'Not a box... hmm.'))
function sendChallengeOwnersMsg(message, challengeName) {
if (!challengeName) {
challengeName == ""
} else { console.log("Challenge name: " + challengeName) }
var twentyPlus = false
var challenge = getChallengeByName(challengeName)
console.log("Constructing a challenge owner info message for " + challengeName + "...")
var ownerList = getMdLinksForOwnList(getOwnersByChallengeName(challengeName))
if (ownerList) {
if (ownerList.length > 20) {
ownerList = ownerList.slice(0, 20)
twentyPlus = true
if (ownerList.length == 1) {
embed: {
color: 3447003,
author: {
name: challenge.name,
icon_url: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/encharm/Font-Awesome-SVG-PNG/master/white/png/24/cogs.png",
url: 'https://www.hackthebox.com/home/challenges/' + challenge.category,
footer: {
text: "ℹ️ Ownage data last updated " + timeSince(LAST_UPDATE)
description: ('**Owned by** ' + andifyList(ownerList.join(', ')) + (twentyPlus ? ' […]' : '') + ' :woman_detective:').substring(0, 2040)
} else {
embed: {
color: 3447003,
author: {
name: challenge.name,
icon_url: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/encharm/Font-Awesome-SVG-PNG/master/white/png/24/cogs.png",
url: 'https://www.hackthebox.com/home/challenges/' + challenge.category,
footer: {
text: "ℹ️ Ownage data last updated " + timeSince(LAST_UPDATE)
description: ('**Most recent team owns:** ' + andifyList(ownerList.join(', ')) + (twentyPlus ? ' […]' : '') + ' :woman_detective:').substring(0, 2040)
} else {
message.channel.send((challenge ? 'Looks like nobody in the team has done this challenge yet :tired_face:' : 'That challenge doesn\'t even exist! Trying to trick me … silly Hu-man. :wheelchair:\nAccording to Wikipedia, u can\'t fool me... :woman_mage: '))
function sendLastChallengeOwnerMsg(message, challengeName) {
if (!challengeName) {
challengeName == ""
} else { console.log("Challenge name: " + challengeName) }
var challenge = getChallengeByName(challengeName)
var ownerList = getMdLinksForOwnList(getOwnersByChallengeName(challengeName))
if (ownerList) {
lastOwner = ownerList[0]
embed: {
color: 16580705,
author: {
name: challenge.name,
icon_url: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/encharm/Font-Awesome-SVG-PNG/master/white/png/24/cogs.png",
url: 'https://www.hackthebox.com/home/challenges/' + challenge.category,
footer: {
text: "ℹ️ Challenge data last updated " + timeSince(LAST_UPDATE)
description: ('**Most recently completed by: ** ' + lastOwner + ' 🧙').substring(0, 2040)
} else {
message.channel.send((challenge.name ? 'Looks like nobody in the team has done this challenge yet :tired_face:' : 'Not a challenge... hmm.'))
async function sendTeamRankingMsg(message, note) {
embed: {
title: "🌍⠀Team Global Rank",
color: 3447003,
author: {
icon_url: TEAM_STATS.thumb,
url: 'https://www.hackthebox.com/home/teams/profile/2102',
footer: {
text: "ℹ️ Accurate as of " + timeSince(LAST_UPDATE)
description: "Global Rank: **[# " + TEAM_STATS.globalRanking + "](http://0)**"
if (Math.random() > 0.5) {
await humanSend(message, note, true)
console.log("NOTE: " + note)
function sp(size, arr) { //size - child_array.length
var out = [], i = 0, n = Math.ceil((arr.length) / size);
while (i < n) { out.push(arr.splice(0, (i == n - 1) && size < arr.length ? arr.length : size)); i++; }
return out;
async function sendFlagboardMsg(message) {
// var flags = []
flags = Object.values(TEAM_MEMBERS).map(member => getFlag(member.countryCode));
flagsSorted = flags.slice().sort();
var flagString = ""
var sortedFlagString = ""
// TEAM_STATS.topMembers.forEach(memberId => {
// member = TEAM_MEMBERS[memberId]
// var flagLink = "["+getFlag(member.countryCode)+"](http://" + member.id + ")"
// flags.push(flagLink)
// });
sortSpliced = sp(9, flagsSorted)
spliced = sp(9, flags)
spliced.forEach(flagRow => {
flagString += "\n" + flagRow.join(" ")
sortSpliced.forEach(flagRow => {
sortedFlagString += "\n" + flagRow.join(" ")
await message.channel.send({
embed: {
author: {
name: any("🗺️", "🌎", "🌏", "🌍", "🌐", "🚩", "⛳", "🛂", "🛫", "✈️", "🛩️") + " Team Locales",
url: 'https://www.hackthebox.com/home/teams/profile/2102',
thumbnail: {
url: TEAM_STATS.thumb,
footer: {
text: "ℹ️ Accurate as of " + timeSince(LAST_UPDATE)
description: any(sortedFlagString, flagString)
if (maybe(0.20)) await humanSend(message, any("Globalization is a form of artificial intelligence. 🍉", "Teamwork makes the dream work 👑"), true)
async function sendTeamLeaderMsg(message, note) {
member = TEAM_MEMBERS[TEAM_STATS.topMembers[0]]
await message.channel.send({
embed: {
title: tryDiscordifyUid(member.id),
color: "GREEN",
author: {
name: any("💯", "🏆", "🎖️", "🔮", "💠", "💎", "👑") + " Team Leader",
icon_url: TEAM_STATS.thumb,
url: 'https://www.hackthebox.com/home/teams/profile/2102',
thumbnail: {
url: member.thumb,
footer: {
text: "ℹ️ Accurate as of " + timeSince(LAST_UPDATE)
description: "Global Rank: **[# " + member.siterank + "](http://0)**\nTeam Rank: **[# " + getMemberTeamRankById(member.id) + "](http://0)**"
if (maybe(0.6)) await humanSend(message, "Let's give a round of applause!", true)
if (maybe(0.4)) await humanSend(message, "Pain is the heart of success. No one knows that like " + member.name + "! 🎉", true)
async function sendMemberRankMsg(message, username) {
if (!username) {
username == ""
} else { console.log("challengeName: " + username) }
var member = tryGetValidMember(username, message.author.username)
if (checkSelfName(username) && !member) {
humanSend(message, (maybe(0.4) ? "" : "Hmm... ") + "I don't know who you are yet! Try saying `I am (username) on HTB` to associate your HTB account with your Discord username.\n(You can find my man page with the `help` command anytime.)")
if (member) {
teamRank = getMemberTeamRankById(member.id)
if (teamRank == 1) {
embed: {
title: tryDiscordifyUid(member.id),
color: 3447003,
author: {
name: "Member Rank",
icon_url: TEAM_STATS.thumb,
url: 'https://www.hackthebox.com/home/teams/profile/2102',
thumbnail: {
url: member.thumb,
footer: {
text: "ℹ️ Accurate as of " + timeSince(LAST_UPDATE)
description: "Global Rank: **[# " + member.siterank + "](http://0)**\nTeam Rank: **[# " + teamRank + "](http://0)**"
} else {
embed: {
color: 3447003,
author: {
name: "Unrecognized User",
icon_url: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/encharm/Font-Awesome-SVG-PNG/master/white/png/32/question.png',
url: ""
description: "Member not found."
async function sendCheckMemberOwnedChallengeMsg(message, challengename, username) {
var challenge = getChallengeByName(challengename)
var member = tryGetValidMember(username, message.author.username)
if (checkSelfName(username) && !member) {
humanSend(message, (maybe(0.4) ? "" : "Hmm... ") + "I don't know who you are yet! Try saying `I am (username) on HTB` to associate your HTB account with your Discord username.\n(You can find my man page with the `help` command anytime.)")
console.log(challenge, member)
if (member && challenge) {
var own = (challenge.owners.find(own => own.uid == member.id))
if (own) {
await message.channel.send({
embed: {
color: "AQUA",
author: {
name: challenge.name,
icon_url: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/encharm/Font-Awesome-SVG-PNG/master/white/png/24/cogs.png",
url: 'https://www.hackthebox.com/home/challenges/' + challenge.category,
thumbnail: {
url: member.thumb,
footer: {
text: "ℹ️ Accurate as of " + timeSince(new Date(Math.max(LAST_UPDATE.getTime(),own.timestamp)))
description: "🥳 W00t! " + (checkSelfName(username) ? " **[You](https://www.hackthebox.com/home/users/profile/" + member.id + ")**" : getMdLinksForUids([member.id])) + " completed challenge **[" + challenge.name + "](https://www.hackthebox.com/home/challenges/" + challenge.category + ") " + timeSince(new Date(own.timestamp * 1000)) + "**."
} else {
await message.channel.send({
embed: {
color: "GOLD",
author: {
name: challenge.name,
icon_url: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/encharm/Font-Awesome-SVG-PNG/master/white/png/24/cogs.png",
url: 'https://www.hackthebox.com/home/challenges/' + challenge.category,
thumbnail: {
url: member.thumb,
footer: {
text: "ℹ️ Accurate as of " + timeSince(new Date(Math.max(LAST_UPDATE.getTime(),own.timestamp)))
description: "Looks like " + getMdLinksForUids([member.id]) + " hasn't owned challenge **[" + challenge.name + "](https://www.hackthebox.com/home/challenges/" + challenge.category + ")** yet. 🐳"
} else {
await humanSend(message, "Sorry, username and / or challenge name was invalid. 🍔", true)
function tryGetValidMember(username, discordName) {
var member = getMemberByName(username)
if (!member && checkSelfName(username)) {
member = getMemberByName(discordName)
return (member ? member : null)
async function sendCheckMemberOwnedBoxMsg(message, boxname, username) {
var machine = getMachineByName(boxname)
var member = tryGetValidMember(username, message.author.username)
if (checkSelfName(username) && !member) {
humanSend(message, (maybe(0.4) ? "" : "Hmm... ") + "I don't know who you are yet! Try saying `I am (username) on HTB` to associate your HTB account with your Discord username.\n(You can find my man page with the `help` command anytime.)")
if (member && machine) {
var own = {}
if (machine.rootOwners.some(own => own.uid == member.id)) {
own = machine.rootOwners.find(own => own.uid == member.id)
else if (machine.userOwners.some(own => own.uid == member.id)) {
own = machine.userOwners.find(own => own.uid == member.id)
own['userOnly'] = true
} else {
own['userOnly'] = false
if ("uid" in own) {
await message.channel.send({
embed: {
color: "AQUA",
author: {
name: machine.name,
icon_url: machine.thumb,
url: 'https://www.hackthebox.com/home/machines/profile/' + machine.id,
thumbnail: {
url: member.thumb,
footer: {
text: "ℹ️ Accurate as of " + timeSince(new Date(Math.max(LAST_UPDATE.getTime(),own.timestamp)))
description: (own.userOnly == true ? "🥳 Looks like " : "👑 W00t! ") + (checkSelfName(username) ? " **[You](https://www.hackthebox.com/home/users/profile/" + member.id + ")**" : getMdLinksForUids([member.id])) + (own.userOnly == true ? " got " : " owned ") + (own.userOnly == true ? "user" : "root") + " on " + getMdLinksForBoxIds([machine.id]) + (own.userOnly == true ? " **" : " ") + timeSince(new Date(own.timestamp * 1000)) + (own.userOnly == true ? "**." : ".")
} else {
await message.channel.send({
embed: {
color: "GOLD",
author: {
name: machine.name,
icon_url: machine.thumb,
url: 'https://www.hackthebox.com/home/machines/profile/' + machine.id,
thumbnail: {
url: member.thumb,
footer: {
text: "ℹ️ Accurate as of " + timeSince(new Date(Math.max(LAST_UPDATE.getTime(),own.timestamp)))
description: "Looks like " + getMdLinksForUids([member.id]) + " hasn't got user or root on " + getMdLinksForBoxIds([machine.id]) + " yet. 🍟"
} else {
await humanSend(message, "Sorry, username and / or machine name was invalid. 🍔", true)
async function sendTeamLeadersMsg(message, note) {
leaderList = mdItemizeList(getMdLinksForUids(TEAM_STATS.topMembers).slice(0, 10))
if (note & Math.random() > 0.5) {
console.log("NOTE: " + note)
await humanSend(message, note, true)
embed: {
title: ":bar_chart:⠀Team Leaderboard",
color: "AQUA",
author: {
icon_url: 'https://www.hackthebox.com/storage/teams/8232e119d8f59aa83050a741631803a6.jpg',
url: 'https://www.hackthebox.com/home/teams/profile/2102',
footer: {
text: "ℹ️ Ownage data last updated " + timeSince(LAST_UPDATE)
description: ("**" + leaderList.join("**\n**") + "**").substring(0, 2040)
async function sendTeamInfoMsg(message, note) {
leaderList = getMdLinksForUids(TEAM_STATS.topMembers)
embed: {
color: 15844367,
title: TEAM_STATS.name,
author: {
name: "Group by " + TEAM_MEMBERS[TEAM_STATS.teamFounder].name,
icon_url: TEAM_MEMBERS[TEAM_STATS.teamFounder].thumb,
url: 'https://www.hackthebox.com/home/users/profile/7383',
"footer": {
//"icon_url": "https://cdn.discordapp.com/embed/avatars/0.png",
"text": "ℹ️ Team info last updated " + timeSince(LAST_UPDATE)
thumbnail: {
url: TEAM_STATS.thumb,
description: (":flag_nl:⠀Hacking for the fun of it! Learning it as a bonus").substring(0, 2040),
image: {
url: genBadgeUrl(),
fields: [
name: 'R4NK1ng', inline: true,
value: "Global: **[# " + TEAM_STATS.globalRanking + "](http://0)**"
name: 'P01NTz', inline: true,
value: "**[" + TEAM_STATS.points + "](http://0)**"
name: '0Wn4g3', inline: true,
value: "Roots:** [" + TEAM_STATS.owns.roots + "](http://0)\n**Users:** [" + TEAM_STATS.owns.users + "](http://0)**"
name: 'L34d3Rbo4rd', inline: true,
value: "**" + leaderList.slice(0, 5).join("**\n**") + "**"
name: '...', inline: true,
value: "**" + leaderList.slice(5, 10).join("**\n**") + "**"
name: '...', inline: true,
value: "**" + leaderList.slice(10, 15).join("**\n**") + "**"
if (note & Math.random() > 0.5) {
console.log("NOTE: " + note)
await humanSend(message, note, true)
function sendBoxInfoMsg(message, machineName) {
if (!machineName) {
machineName == ""
} else { console.log("machinename: " + machineName) }
box = getMachineByName(machineName)
if (box) {
embed: {
color: 1146986,
author: {
name: getMachineByName(machineName).name,
icon_url: getOsImage(box.os),
url: 'https://www.hackthebox.com/home/machines/profile/' + getMachineByName(machineName).id,
description: ("AEIOU".includes(box.os.charAt(0)) ? 'An ' : 'A ') +
box.os + ' box by **['
+ box.maker.name
+ '](https://www.hackthebox.com/home/users/profile/'
+ box.maker.id.toString()
+ ')'
+ (box.maker2 ? '** & **[' + box.maker2.name + '](https://www.hackthebox.com/home/users/profile/' + box.maker2.id.toString() + ')' : '')
+ '**.\nIP Address: **' + (box.ip ? '[' + box.ip + '](http://' + box.ip + '/)**' : "Unknown**"),
thumbnail: {
url: getMachineByName(machineName).thumb.replace('_thumb', ''),
footer: {
text: "ℹ️ Machines last updated " + timeSince(LAST_UPDATE)
fields: [
name: '` ' + FMT(' ' + difficultySymbol(box.difficulty) + ' ', 's') + FMT(box.difficulty, 'bs') + ' `', inline: false,
value: '```diff\n'
+ FMT((box.retired ? '- Status : ' : ' Status : '), 's') + (box.retired ? '🧟 Retired' : (box.release > (new Date()).getTime() ? '🔥 𝗨𝗡𝗥𝗘𝗟𝗘𝗔𝗦𝗘𝗗' : '👾 Active')) + '\n'
+ '+' + FMT(' Points : ', 's') + box.points + '\n'
+ '+' + FMT(' Released : ', 's') + new Date(box.release).toDateString() + '\n'
+ '+' + FMT(' Rating : ', 's') + ratingString(box.rating) + '\n'
+ '+' + FMT(' Age : ', 's') + elapsedDays(new Date(box.release)) + ' days\n'
+ (box.retired ? FMT('+ Retired : ') + (new Date(box.retiredate).toDateString()) : '')
+ (box.unreleased ? FMT('- Replaces : ') + box.unreleased.replaces : '')
+ '\n```'
} else {
message.reply('ጠﻉ乇የ ᙏØɾየ')
function sendMemberInfoMsg(message, username) {
if (!username) {
username == ""
} else { console.log("memberName: " + username) }
var member = tryGetValidMember(username, message.author.username)
if (checkSelfName(username) && !member) {
humanSend(message, (maybe(0.4) ? "" : "Hmm... ") + "I don't know who you are yet! Try saying `I am (username) on HTB` to associate your HTB account with your Discord username.\n(You can find my man page with the `help` command anytime.)")
if (member) {
embed: {
color: 3066993,
author: {
name: tryDiscordifyUid(member.id) + (checkSelfName(username) ? " [You]" : ""),
icon_url: TEAM_STATS.thumb,
url: 'https://www.hackthebox.com/home/users/profile/' + member.id,
description: getFlag(member.countryCode) + "⠀**[" + member.rank + ".](http://0)** | HTB member since **" + formatRelative(new Date(member.joinDate), new Date()) + "**",
thumbnail: {
url: member.thumb,
footer: {
text: "ℹ️ Achievements last updated " + timeSince(LAST_UPDATE)
fields: [
name: '` ' + FMT(rankSymbol(member.rank) + ' Site Rank : ', 's') + FMT((member.siterank == 99999999 ? "Unranked" : member.siterank + nth(member.siterank)), 'bs') + ' `', inline: false,
value: '```diff\n'
+ '+ 🧡 𝖱𝖾𝗌𝗉𝖾𝖼𝗍 : ' + member.stats.respects + '\n'
+ '+ 👨💻 𝖱𝗈𝗈𝗍𝗌 : ' + member.totalOwns.root + '\n'
+ ' 💻 𝖴𝗌𝖾𝗋𝗌 : ' + member.totalOwns.user + '\n'
+ ' ⚙️ 𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗅𝗅𝖾𝗇𝗀𝖾𝗌 : ' + member.totalOwns.challenge + '\n'
+ '- 🔴 𝟣𝗌𝗍 𝖡𝗅𝗈𝗈𝖽𝗌 : ' + member.stats.bloods + '\n'
// + (challenge.unreleased ? FMT('- Replaces : ') + challenge.unreleased.replaces : '')
+ '\n```'
} else {
message.reply("Sorry, I don't know a '" + username + "'. 🤔")
function sendChallengeInfoMsg(message, challengeName) {
if (!challengeName) {
challengeName == ""
} else { console.log("challengeName: " + challengeName) }
var challenge = getChallengeByName(challengeName)
difficulty = challengeDifficulty(challenge)
if (challenge) {
embed: {
color: 3066993,
author: {
name: challenge.name,
// icon_url: getChallengeImage(challenge.category),
icon_url: "",
url: 'https://www.hackthebox.com/home/challenges/' + challenge.category,
description: ("AEIOU".includes(challenge.category.toUpperCase().charAt(0)) ? 'An ' : 'A ') +
challenge.category.toLowerCase() + ' challenge by **['
+ challenge.maker.name
+ '](https://www.hackthebox.com/home/users/profile/'
+ challenge.maker.id.toString()
+ ')'
+ (challenge.maker2 ? '** & **[' + challenge.maker2.name + '](https://www.hackthebox.com/home/users/profile/' + challenge.maker2.id.toString() + ')' : '')
+ '**.\n> _' + challenge.description + '_\n',
thumbnail: {
url: "",
footer: {
text: "ℹ️ Challenges last updated " + timeSince(LAST_UPDATE)
fields: [
name: '` ' + FMT(' ' + difficultySymbol(difficulty) + ' ', 's') + FMT(difficulty, 'bs') + ' `', inline: false,
value: '```diff\n'
+ FMT((!challenge.isActive ? '- Status : ' : ' Status : '), 's') + (!challenge.isActive ? '🧟 Retired' : (challenge.releaseDate > (new Date()).getTime() ? '🔥 𝗨𝗡𝗥𝗘𝗟𝗘𝗔𝗦𝗘𝗗' : '👾 Active')) + '\n'
+ '+' + FMT(' Points : ', 's') + challenge.points + '\n'
+ '+' + FMT(' Solved : ', 's') + challenge.solverCount + ' times.\n'
+ '+' + FMT(' Released : ', 's') + new Date(challenge.releaseDate).toDateString() + '\n'
+ '+' + FMT(' Rating : ', 's') + '🍏: ' + challenge.upvotes + ' 🍎: ' + challenge.downvotes + '\n'
+ '+' + FMT(' Age : ', 's') + elapsedDays(new Date(challenge.releaseDate)) + ' days\n'
// + (challenge.unreleased ? FMT('- Replaces : ') + challenge.unreleased.replaces : '')
+ '\n```'
} else {
message.reply('ጠﻉ乇የ ᙏØɾየ')
function challengeDifficulty(challenge) {
var p = challenge.points
if (p <= 25) {
return "Easy"
} else if (p <= 50) {
return "Medium"
} else if (p <= 75) {
return "Hard"
} else {
return "Insane"
function difficultySymbol(difficulty) {
switch (difficulty) {
case "Unknown": return "💩"
case "Easy": return "📗";
case "Medium": return "📘";
case "Hard": return "📙";
case "Insane": return "📕";
default: return "📓"
function challengeSymbol(category) {
switch (category.toLowerCase()) {
case "reversing": return "↩️"
case "crypto": return "👩💻️";
case "stego": return "🖼️";
case "pwn": return "🧊";
case "forensics": return "🔎";
case "misc": return "🎲";
case "mobile": return "☎️";
case "osint": return "🌐";
case "hardware": return "🧰";
default: return "❓"
function boxOsSymbol(category) {
switch (category.toLowerCase()) {
case "Linux": return '🐧'
case "Windows": return any('🔷', '🔶', "💠")
case "Solaris": return '☀️'
case "FreeBSD": return '😈'
case "Android": return '🍈'
default: return "❓"
function rankSymbol(rankText) {
switch (rankText) {
case "Noob": return "👽"
case "Script Kiddie": return "🐍";
case "Hacker": return "🤖";
case "Pro Hacker": return "👩💻";
case "Elite Hacker": return "👾";
case "Guru": return "🔮";
case "Omniscient": return "🧙";
case "Admin": return "🤺";
default: return "💯"
* Send a query to the dialogflow agent, and return the query result.
* @param {Object} message A Discord Message object.
async function understand(message) {
var sessionPath = dflow.sessionPath(process.env.GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT, message.author.id);
var sessionId = message.author.id
console.log("Sending message to DialogFlow for comprehension. Session ID:", sessionPath)
return new Promise(async resolve => {
const request = {
session: sessionPath,
queryInput: {
text: {
// The query to send to the dialogflow agent
text: message.content,
// The language used by the client (en-US)
languageCode: 'en',
const responses = await dflow.detectIntent(request);
console.log('Detected intent');
const result = responses[0].queryResult;
//console.log(` Full response: ${JSON.stringify(result)}`);
console.log(` Query: ${result.queryText}`);
console.log(` Response: ${result.fulfillmentText}`);
if (result.intent) {
console.log(` Intent: ${result.intent.displayName}`);
} else {
console.log(` No intent matched.`);
async function asyncForEach(array, callback) {
for (let index = 0; index < array.length; index++) {
await callback(array[index], index, array);
async function humanSend(message, msg, noMention) {
return new Promise(async resolve => {
if (!msg || msg.length == 0 || msg == undefined) {
msg = " "
var msgLines = msg.split('\\n')
if (noMention) {
var firstline = false
} else {
var firstline = true
await asyncForEach(msgLines, async ln => {
if (Math.random() < 0.1) { // random chance we'll try to generate a typo
var typoData = typoify.typo(ln)
if (typoData) {
await wait(Math.min(ln.length * ((Math.random() * 50) + KEYSTROKE), 600))
await message.reply(ln.replace(typoData[0], typoData[1]))
await wait(150)
await wait(150)
await wait(200 + (Math.min(typoData[0].length * KEYSTROKE), 600))
if (firstline) {
await message.reply((Math.random() > 0.5 ? "*" : "") + typoData[0]);
} else {
await message.channel.send((Math.random() > 0.5 ? "*" : "") + typoData[0]);
} else {
await wait(Math.min(500 + (ln.length * KEYSTROKE), 800))
if (firstline) {
await message.reply(ln)
} else {
await message.channel.send(ln)
} else {
await wait(Math.min(500 + (ln.length * ((Math.random() * 50) + KEYSTROKE)), 800))
if (firstline) {
await message.reply(ln)
} else {
await message.channel.send(ln)
firstline = false
//console.log('finished sending message')
async function sendTotalBoxCountMsg(message, note) {
msg = "There are currently " + MACHINE_STATS.totalBoxes + " machines in total. (__" +
(MACHINE_STATS.unreleasedBoxes > 0 ? MACHINE_STATS.unreleasedBoxes + " unreleased, " : "") +
MACHINE_STATS.activeBoxes + " active, " + MACHINE_STATS.retiredBoxes + " retired.__)"
if (note) {
console.log("NOTE: " + note)
await humanSend(message, note, true)
await humanSend(message, msg)
async function sendHelpMsg(message, note) {
if (note) {
console.log("NOTE: " + note)
await humanSend(message, note, true)
await wait(300)
await message.channel.send(strings.manual)
async function sendIncompleteBoxesByMemberMsg(message, note, username) {
boxIds = []
var member = tryGetValidMember(username, message.author.username)
if (checkSelfName(username) && !member) {
humanSend(message, (maybe(0.4) ? "" : "Hmm... ") + "I don't know who you are yet! Try saying `I am (username) on HTB` to associate your HTB account with your Discord username.\n(You can find my man page with the `help` command anytime.)")
if (member) {
uid = member.id
console.log("Constructing incomplete boxes by member message... [", "UID:", uid, "Username: ", username, "]")
Object.values(MACHINES).sort((a, b) => (Number(a.id) < Number(b.id)) ? 1 : -1).forEach(machine => {
var match = machine.rootOwners.find(user => user.uid === uid);
if (!match) {
twentyPlus = false
console.log("Constructing an incomplete box tally message for " + username + "...")
var ownedBoxList = getMdLinksForBoxIds(boxIds)
if (ownedBoxList) {
if (ownedBoxList.length > 20) {
ownedBoxList = ownedBoxList.slice(0, 20)
twentyPlus = true
embed: {
color: 15105570,
author: {
name: (uid in TEAM_MEMBERS ? tryDiscordifyUid(member.id) + ": Incomplete machines" : '٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶'),
icon_url: member.thumb,
url: 'https://www.hackthebox.com/home/users/profile/' + uid,
footer: {
text: "ℹ️ Ownage data last updated " + timeSince(LAST_UPDATE)
description: ((twentyPlus ? ownedBoxList.join(', ') : (ownedBoxList.length < 10 ? andifyList(ownedBoxList.join('\n')) : andifyList(ownedBoxList.join(', ')))) + (twentyPlus ? ' […]' : '')).substring(0, 2040)
} else {
message.channel.send('Looks like ' + tryDiscordifyUid(member.id) + " has done them all!!! 👑\n(Is that even possible???)")
} else {
message.channel.send("Sorry, I don't know a '" + username + "'. 🤔")
async function sendOwnedBoxesByMemberMsg(message, note, username) {
boxIds = []
var member = tryGetValidMember(username, message.author.username)
if (checkSelfName(username) && !member) {
humanSend(message, (maybe(0.4) ? "" : "Hmm... ") + "I don't know who you are yet! Try saying `I am (username) on HTB` to associate your HTB account with your Discord username.\n(You can find my man page with the `help` command anytime.)")
if (member) {
var uid = member.id
console.log("Constructing owned boxes by member message... [", "UID:", uid, "Username: ", username, "]")
Object.values(MACHINES).sort((a, b) => (Number(a.id) < Number(b.id)) ? 1 : -1).forEach(machine => {
var match = machine.rootOwners.find(user => user.uid === uid);
if (match) {
} else {
// console.error("User w/ ID of '" + uid + "' not found.")
twentyPlus = false
console.log("Constructing a box ownage tally message for " + username + "...")
var ownedBoxList = getMdLinksForBoxIds(boxIds)
if (ownedBoxList) {
if (ownedBoxList.length > 20) {
ownedBoxList = ownedBoxList.slice(0, 20)
twentyPlus = true
embed: {
color: "AQUA",
author: {
name: (uid in TEAM_MEMBERS ? 'Root ownage for ' + tryDiscordifyUid(member.id) : '٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶'),
icon_url: member.thumb,
url: 'https://www.hackthebox.com/home/users/profile/' + uid,
footer: {
text: "ℹ️ Ownage data last updated " + timeSince(LAST_UPDATE)
description: ((twentyPlus ? ownedBoxList.join(', ') : (ownedBoxList.length < 10 ? andifyList(ownedBoxList.join('\n')) : andifyList(ownedBoxList.join(', ')))) + (twentyPlus ? ' […] 👑' : '')).substring(0, 2040)
} else {
message.channel.send('Looks like ' + tryDiscordifyUid(member.id) + " hasn't completed any boxes yet.")
} else {
message.channel.send("Sorry, I don't know a '" + username + "'. 🤔")
async function sendOwnedChallengesByMemberMsg(message, note, username) {
var challengeNames = []
var member = tryGetValidMember(username, message.author.username)
if (checkSelfName(username) && !member) {
humanSend(message, (maybe(0.4) ? "" : "Hmm... ") + "I don't know who you are yet! Try saying `I am (username) on HTB` to associate your HTB account with your Discord username.\n(You can find my man page with the `help` command anytime.)")
if (member) {
uid = member.id
console.log("UID: ", uid)
Object.values(CHALLENGES).forEach(challengecategory => {
challengecategory.forEach(challenge => {
var match = challenge.owners.find(user => user.uid === uid);
if (match) {
console.log(challenge.name + " completed by " + tryDiscordifyUid(member.id) + ": YES");
} else {
// console.error("User w/ ID of '" + uid + "' not found.")
console.log("Constructing a box ownage tally message for " + tryDiscordifyUid(member.id) + "...")
var ownedChallengeLinks = getMdLinksForChallengeCategoriesByChallengeNames(challengeNames)
if (ownedChallengeLinks) {
categoryOverflows = {}
Object.keys(CHALLENGES).forEach(challengeCategoryName => {
categoryOverflows[challengeCategoryName] = false
for (let i = 0; i < Object.keys(ownedChallengeLinks).length; i++) {
const catKey = Object.keys(ownedChallengeLinks)[i];
const catList = ownedChallengeLinks[catKey];
if (catList.length > 20) {
categoryOverflows[catKey] = true
ownedChallengeLinks[catKey] = ownedChallengeLinks[catKey].slice(0, 20)
catFields = []
Object.keys(ownedChallengeLinks).forEach(challengeCategory => {
// console.log(ownedChallengeLinks[challengeCategory])
name: challengeCategory, inline: true,
value: (ownedChallengeLinks[challengeCategory].length == 0 ? "∅" : (categoryOverflows[challengeCategory] ? ownedChallengeLinks[challengeCategory].join(', ') : (ownedChallengeLinks[challengeCategory].length < 10 && ownedChallengeLinks[challengeCategory].length > 0 ? andifyList(ownedChallengeLinks[challengeCategory].join('\n')) : andifyList(ownedChallengeLinks[challengeCategory].join(', ')))) + (categoryOverflows[challengeCategory] ? ' […] 👑' : ''))
embed: {
color: "AQUA",
author: {
name: 'Challenge ownage for ' + tryDiscordifyUid(member.id),
icon_url: member.thumb,
url: 'https://www.hackthebox.com/home/users/profile/' + uid,
footer: {
text: "ℹ️ Ownage data last updated " + timeSince(LAST_UPDATE)
description: ('**Challenge owns by category:**'),
fields: catFields
} else {
message.channel.send('Looks like ' + tryDiscordifyUid(member.id) + " hasn't completed any challenges yet.")
} else {
message.channel.send("Sorry, I don't know a '" + username + "'. 🤔")
async function sendIncompleteChallengesByMemberMsg(message, note, username) {
var challengeNames = []
var member = tryGetValidMember(username, message.author.username)
if (checkSelfName(username) && !member) {
humanSend(message, (maybe(0.4) ? "" : "Hmm... ") + "I don't know who you are yet! Try saying `I am (username) on HTB` to associate your HTB account with your Discord username.\n(You can find my man page with the `help` command anytime.)")
if (member) {
var uid = member.id
console.log("UID: ", uid)
Object.values(CHALLENGES).forEach(challengecategory => {
challengecategory.forEach(challenge => {
var match = challenge.owners.find(user => user.uid === uid);
if (!match) {
console.log(challenge.name + " not completed by " + tryDiscordifyUid(member.id) + ": TRUE");
} else {
// console.error("User w/ ID of '" + uid + "' not found.")
console.log("Constructing an incomplete challenge tally message for " + tryDiscordifyUid(member.id) + "...")
var ownedChallengeLinks = getMdLinksForChallengeCategoriesByChallengeNames(challengeNames)
if (ownedChallengeLinks) {
categoryOverflows = {}
Object.keys(CHALLENGES).forEach(challengeCategoryName => {
categoryOverflows[challengeCategoryName] = false
for (let i = 0; i < Object.keys(ownedChallengeLinks).length; i++) {
const catKey = Object.keys(ownedChallengeLinks)[i];
const catList = ownedChallengeLinks[catKey];
if (catList.length > 20) {
categoryOverflows[catKey] = true
ownedChallengeLinks[catKey] = ownedChallengeLinks[catKey].slice(0, 20)
catFields = []
Object.keys(ownedChallengeLinks).forEach(challengeCategory => {
// console.log(ownedChallengeLinks[challengeCategory])
name: challengeCategory, inline: true,
value: (ownedChallengeLinks[challengeCategory].length == 0 ? "👑 All done!" : (categoryOverflows[challengeCategory] ? ownedChallengeLinks[challengeCategory].join(', ') : (ownedChallengeLinks[challengeCategory].length < 10 && ownedChallengeLinks[challengeCategory].length > 0 ? andifyList(ownedChallengeLinks[challengeCategory].join('\n')) : andifyList(ownedChallengeLinks[challengeCategory].join(', ')))) + (categoryOverflows[challengeCategory] ? ' […]' : ''))
embed: {
color: 16737095,
author: {
name: tryDiscordifyUid(member.id) + ": Incomplete challenges",
icon_url: member.thumb,
url: 'https://www.hackthebox.com/home/users/profile/' + uid,
footer: {
text: "ℹ️ Ownage data last updated " + timeSince(LAST_UPDATE)
description: ('**Challenges, incomplete, by category:**'),
fields: catFields
} else {
message.channel.send('Looks like ' + tryDiscordifyUid(member.id) + " has done them all!!! 👑\n(Is that even possible???)")
} else {
message.channel.send("Sorry, I don't know a '" + username + "'. 🤔")
async function sendActiveBoxCountMsg(message, note) {
msg = "There are " + MACHINE_STATS.activeBoxes + (Math.random() > 0.5 ? " non-retired " : " active ") + "machines."
if (note) {
console.log("NOTE: " + note)
await humanSend(message, note, true)
await humanSend(message, msg)
async function sendRetiredBoxCountMsg(message, note) {
msg = "There are " + MACHINE_STATS.retiredBoxes + (Math.random() > 0.5 ? " retired " : " inactive ") + "machines."
if (note) {
console.log("NOTE: " + note)
await humanSend(message, note, true)
await humanSend(message, msg)
async function linkDiscord(message, idType, id) {
switch (idType) {
case "uid":
try {
DISCORD_LINKS[id] = message.author
await humanSend(message, any("Associated HTB user " + uidToUname(id) + " (" + id + ")", "HTB user " + uidToUname(id) + " (" + id + ") has been linked") + " to your Discord account (" + message.author.tag + ")", true)
//exportData(DISCORD_LINKS, "discord_links.json")
} catch (error) { console.log(error) }
case "uname": try {
console.log("ID:", id)
DISCORD_LINKS[unameToUid(id)] = message.author
await humanSend(message, "Associated HTB user " + uidToUname(unameToUid(id)) + " (" + unameToUid(id) + ") to your Discord account (" + message.author.tag + ")", true)
// exportData(DISCORD_LINKS, "discord_links.json")
} catch (error) { console.log(error) }
async function unlinkDiscord(message, id) {
if (id in DISCORD_LINKS) {
try {
delete DISCORD_LINKS[id]
await humanSend(message, "[Discord Unlink] Dissociated HTB user " + uidToUname(id) + " (" + id + ") from Discord account (" + message.author.tag + ")", true)
// exportData(DISCORD_LINKS, "discord_links.json")
return true
} catch (error) {
await humanSend(message, "[Discord Unlink] There was an issue dissociating '" + uidToUname(id) + "' (" + id + ") from Discord account (" + message.author.tag + "). \nMaybe the id is wrong, or perhaps I wasn't tracking that in the first place.", true)
return true
} else {
await humanSend(message, "[Discord Unlink] It looks like no Discord association exists for this user (make sure the ID is correct).\nNo changes were made.", true)
return false
async function forgetHtbDataFlow(message, identifier, uid) {
switch (identifier) {
case "htb":
try {
deletedUname = ignoreMember(uid)
if (deletedUname) {
await humanSend(message, "Blacklisted user " + uid + " (" + deletedUname + ") from future scans.", true)
} else {
await humanSend(message, "It looks like no HTB user data is actually being collected for this user (make sure the ID is correct).", true)
} catch (error) { console.log(error) }
; break;
case "discord":
unlinkDiscord(message, uid)
case "all":
try {
} catch (error) {
unlinkDiscord(message, uid)
await humanSend(message, "Forgetting any HTB data and Discord association for this user and ignoring future achievements.", true); break;
function genBadgeUrl() {
return (HTBROOT + 'badge/team/image/2102?nonce=' + genRanHex(4))
async function doFakeReboot(message, note) {
await humanSend(message, note, true)
await client.user.setStatus('idle')
await wait(3500)
await client.user.setStatus('online')
async function admin_setStatus(message, params) {
if (message.author.id == process.env.ADMIN_DISCORD_ID) {
status = params.discordStatusType.stringValue
activity = params.discordStatusActivity.stringValue
actverb = params.discordStatusVerb.stringValue
humanSend(message, any("You're the boss!\nsetting the status 😊",
"Ok " + message.author.username + ", you got it!",
"you got it, " + message.author.username + " 😁",
"no prob, i'm on it 🍉",
"ok, on it! 🍉"), false)
await setStatus(message.client, (status ? status : "online"), (actverb ? actverb : ""), (activity ? activity : ""))
} else {
humanSend(message, "You're not the boss. 👔\nTry asking __@Propolis__!")
async function admin_forceUpdate(message) {
if (message.author.id == process.env.ADMIN_DISCORD_ID) {
humanSend(message, any("You're the boss!\nupdating the DB 😊",
"Ok " + message.author.username + ", you got it!",
"you got it, boss! 😁",
"no prob, i'm on it 🍉",
"ok, on it! 🍉"), false)
await updateData(message.client)
humanSend(message, any("hey I finished updating the DB! 😊",
"Heyo, the DB update is finished!",
"The data has been updated!",
"DB update complete!",
"Achivement data has been updated. 😊"), false)
} else {
humanSend(message, "You're not my boss! 🤔\nno can do.\nAsk __@Propolis__!")
const checkIsSevenMsg = /[\t ]?seven\W?/g;
async function handleMessage(message) {
if (message.channel.type == "dm" || message.content.toLowerCase().includes('seven')) {
if (!message.author.bot) {
if (message.content.toLowerCase().match(checkIsSevenMsg)) {
message.content = message.content.toLowerCase().replace(checkIsSevenMsg, "")
console.log('got dm')
result = await understand(message)
isRipe = result.allRequiredParamsPresent
console.log('result.intent: ' + result.intent.displayName + " | isRipe(hasParams): " + isRipe)
if (result.intent && isRipe) {
var job = result.intent.displayName
var inf = result.parameters.fields
console.log('jobinf: ' + job + ' | ' + JSON.stringify(inf))
switch (job) {
// case "removeLastXMessages": break;
case "admin.forceUpdateData": try { admin_forceUpdate(message) } catch (e) { console.log(e) }; break;
case "admin.setStatus": try { admin_setStatus(message, inf) } catch (e) { console.log(e) }; break;
case "help": try { sendHelpMsg(message, result.fulfillmentText) } catch (e) { console.log(e) }; break;
case "forgetMe.htbIgnore.getUserID": try { forgetHtbDataFlow(message, "htb", inf.uid.numberValue) } catch (e) { console.log(e) }; break;
case "forgetMe.discordUnlink.getUserID": try { forgetHtbDataFlow(message, "discord", inf.uid.numberValue) } catch (e) { console.log(e) }; break;
case "forgetMe.all.getUserID": try { forgetHtbDataFlow(message, "all", inf.uid.numberValue) } catch (e) { console.log(e) }; break;
case "linkDiscord": try { linkDiscord(message, ("numberValue" in Object.keys(inf.uid) ? "uid" : "uname"), ("numberValue" in Object.keys(inf.uid) ? inf.uid.numberValue : inf.username.stringValue)) } catch (e) { console.log(e) }; break;
case "unforgetMe": try { unignoreMember(inf.uid.numberValue); humanSend(message, result.fulfillmentText, true) } catch (e) { console.log(e) }; break;
case "getTeamBadge": try { humanSend(message, genBadgeUrl() + '\n' + result.fulfillmentText, true) } catch (e) { console.log(e) }; break;
case "getTeamInfo": try { sendTeamInfoMsg(message, result.fulfillmentText) } catch (e) { console.log(e) }; break;
case "getTeamLeaders": try { sendTeamLeadersMsg(message, result.fulfillmentText) } catch (e) { console.log(e) }; break;
case "getTeamLeader": try { sendTeamLeaderMsg(message, result.fulfillmentText) } catch (e) { console.log(e) }; break;
case "getTeamRanking": try { sendTeamRankingMsg(message, result.fulfillmentText) } catch (e) { console.log(e) }; break;
case "getFlagboard": try { sendFlagboardMsg(message) } catch (e) { console.log(e) }; break;
case "getBoxInfo": try { sendBoxInfoMsg(message, inf.machines.stringValue) } catch (e) { console.log(e) }; break;
case "getBoxOwners": try { sendBoxOwnersMsg(message, inf.machines.stringValue) } catch (e) { console.log(e) }; break;
case "getOwnedBoxesByMember": try { sendOwnedBoxesByMemberMsg(message, result.fulfillmentText, inf.username.stringValue) } catch (e) { console.log(e) }; break;
case "checkMemberOwnedBox": try { sendCheckMemberOwnedBoxMsg(message, inf.boxname.stringValue, inf.username.stringValue) } catch (e) { console.log(e) }; break;
case "checkMemberOwnedChallenge": try { sendCheckMemberOwnedChallengeMsg(message, inf.challengename.stringValue, inf.username.stringValue) } catch (e) { console.log(e) }; break;
case "getIncompleteBoxesByMember": try { sendIncompleteBoxesByMemberMsg(message, result.fulfillmentText, inf.username.stringValue) } catch (e) { console.log(e) }; break;
case "getOwnedChallengesByMember": try { sendOwnedChallengesByMemberMsg(message, result.fulfillmentText, inf.username.stringValue) } catch (e) { console.log(e) }; break;
case "getIncompleteChallengesByMember": try { sendIncompleteChallengesByMemberMsg(message, result.fulfillmentText, inf.username.stringValue) } catch (e) { console.log(e) }; break;
case "getLastBoxOwner": try { sendLastBoxOwnerMsg(message, inf.machines.stringValue) } catch (e) { console.log(e) }; break;
case "getBoxLaunchDate": try { sendBoxInfoMsg(message, inf.machines.stringValue) } catch (e) { console.log(e) }; break;
case "getBoxRetireDate": try { sendBoxInfoMsg(message, inf.machines.stringValue) } catch (e) { console.log(e) }; break;
case "getTotalBoxCount": try { sendTotalBoxCountMsg(message, result.fulfillmentText) } catch (e) { console.log(e) }; break;
case "getActiveBoxCount": try { sendActiveBoxCountMsg(message, result.fulfillmentText) } catch (e) { console.log(e) }; break;
case "getRetiredBoxCount": try { sendRetiredBoxCountMsg(message, result.fulfillmentText) } catch (e) { console.log(e) }; break;
case "getFirstBox": try { sendBoxInfoMsg(message, "Lame") } catch (e) { console.log(e) };
case "agent.doReboot": doFakeReboot(message, result.fulfillmentText); break;
case "getNewBox": console.log("got here6.."); sendBoxInfoMsg(message, getNewReleaseName()); break;
case "getChallengeInfo": try { sendChallengeInfoMsg(message, inf.challengeName.stringValue); } catch (e) { console.log(e) }; break;
case "getChallengeOwners": try { sendChallengeOwnersMsg(message, inf.challengeName.stringValue); } catch (e) { console.log(e) }; break;
case "getLastChallengeOwner": try { sendLastChallengeOwnerMsg(message, inf.challengeName.stringValue) } catch (e) { console.log(e) }; break;
case "getMemberInfo": try { sendMemberInfoMsg(message, inf.username.stringValue); } catch (e) { message.channel.stopTyping(true); console.log(e) }; break;
case "getMemberRank": try { sendMemberRankMsg(message, inf.username.stringValue); } catch (e) { message.channel.stopTyping(true); console.log(e) }; break;
if (result.fulfillmentText) {
await humanSend(message, result.fulfillmentText)
} else {
if (result.fulfillmentText) {
await humanSend(message, result.fulfillmentText)