
A module holding useful classes to describe Hack The Box achievements and resources.





(inner) pointsToDifficulty(points) → {'Unknown'|'Easy'|'Medium'|'Hard'|'Insane'}


Converts a numeric points value to an scaled 'difficulty' indicator.

Name Type Description
points number

The points offered for solving a machine (proportional to difficulty).

'Unknown' | 'Easy' | 'Medium' | 'Hard' | 'Insane'

Type Definitions


Name Type Description
name string

The name of the challenge (e.g. 'Nostalgia')).

category string

The category of the challenge (e.g. 'Crypto')).

releaseDate number

A number representing the Unix time (seconds from epoch) at which the challenge was released.

description string

A brief description of the challenge, if one is provided.

isActive boolean

A boolean value indicating whether the challenge is active or not.

points number

The amount of points the challenge is worth, if it is active.

maker HtbMaker

An object containing the id and name of the primary maker.

maker2 HtbMaker

An object containing the id and name of the secondary maker (if applicable).

solverCount number

The number of times this challenge has been solved.

upvotes number

Number of positive user ratings this challenge has received.

downvotes number

Number of positive user ratings this challenge has received.

owners Array.<HtbOwn>

A list of HtbOwn objects, containing uid and timestamp values for each member own.

Class representing a Hack the Box challenge.


Name Type Description
name string

The name of the machine (e.g. 'Fatty')).

id number

The numeric id representing the machine.

thumb string

The full url to the machine's public thumbnail image.

userOwners Array.<HtbOwn>

A list of HtbOwn objects, containing uid and timestamp values for each member user own.

rootOwners Array.<HtbOwn>

A list of HtbOwn objects, containing uid and timestamp values for each member root own.

retired boolean

A boolean value indicating whether the machine is retired. (todo: consolodate retired/unreleased into single 'state' member.)

unreleased boolean

A boolean value indicating whether the machine is unreleased.

retiredate number

A number representing the Unix time (seconds from epoch) at which the machine was retired.

release number

A number representing the Unix time (seconds from epoch) at which the machine was released.

maker HtbMaker

An object containing the id and name of the primary maker.

maker2 HtbMaker

An object containing the id and name of the secondary maker (if applicable).

os string

A string representing the machine's operating system (e.g. 'Linux' / 'Windows' ...).

ip string

The machine's IP address.

rating number

A number ranging from 0 to 5 indicating the overall user rating the machine has received.

points number

The amount of points the machine is worth, if it is active.

difficulty string

The difficulty of the box as a string, e.g. "Easy", "Hard".

Class representing a Hack the Box machine.


Name Type Description
id number

The ID of the member.

name string

Unix time (seconds) at which the own occurred.

Class representing a HTB challenge / box creator.


Name Type Description
uid number

The ID of the member.

timestamp number

Unix time (seconds) at which the own occurred.

Class representing a member own. (challenge, user, or root)


Name Type Description
siterank number

The current global rank of the member as an integer, e.g. 112 (112th).

points number

The total points currently held by the member.

name string

The member's formal name, e.g. 'bkr32'.

id number

The unique ID number identifying the user on Hack The Box.

totalOwns Object

An object containing ownage info.

thumb string

The full url to the member's public thumbnail image.

rank string

The member's title / level, e.g. ['Noob', 'Script Kiddie', 'Hacker', 'Pro Hacker', 'Elite Hacker', 'Guru', 'Omniscient', 'Admin']

countryName string

The country associated with the member's profile.

countryCode string

The country code associated with the member's profile (used for flag lookup).

joinDate number

The Unix timestamp (in seconds) representing when the member joined Hack The Box (NOTE: Team join date information is currently not available.)

stats Object

A container holding various metrics, as parsed from the profile page chart area. (this is updated only nightly -- prefer totalOwns where possible data as it is realtime).

Name Type Description
users number

Member user owns (nightly update)

roots number

Member system owns (nightly update)

challenges number

Member challenge owns (nightly update)

respects number

Member total respect (nightly update)

bloods number

Member total first bloods (nightly update)

Class representing a Hack the Box team member.